Monday, August 26, 2013


An old Spanish woman who is in her 80s had ruined a religious fresco with her rough restoration without permission.

'Ecce Homo' is painted by Elias Garcia Martinez on the walls of the church of Santuario de Miserocordia in 19 century.

The painting on the left is the original work.
The painting in the center is the work being destroy.
The painting on the right is the restoration work.

So far you can see the development painting by painting from the left to right. 

Last year, the Spanish Woman Cecilia Gimenez in her 81 years old botched a restoration of the painting of Christ at her local church. The news were spreading everywhere in the internet and to the worldwide. And it's become the hottest topic at the moment. The authority think that it will decrease the rate of tourist to visit the church.

But who knows?

Now the horrible restoration had become famous and raise the rate of the tourism to visit for the local church. In addition, the ticket had increased the prices just to see the painting. I think this is the power of the internet, because that is the hottest topic once spread to the world and the people are curious and up to date.

Like Minion,
once the Mc Donald had sell the series of toys, the people can be queue for like 1 hours or even waiting the Mc Donald to be open just for a yellow plastic toys. Just because of, the facebook, people keep uploading the pictures of the toys and stated" YAY, I GOT MY MINION". And then the following post also the same things. Out of 50 friends, 10 friends got that. So these problems make the people craving for the Minion. They have the feeling like, "Oh, you all got, I must get 1 set for myself also" Is like don't want to be left behind and outdated for the hottest toys even the person don't like the toys. The horrible things is, those people bought alot happy meal sets, they just got the toys and throw the foods, WHAT A WASTE!!! some of the people collect it for selling higher price to people couldn't get in from Mc Donald.

The Happy Meal isn't happy anymore to the kids. In Singapore, they are doing good job, they do the pre-order online for the people who just want to have the toys. So the people who really want to enjoy the foods can be relieved and the the kids can be happy for the toys.

Back to the topic,
 She had turn the painting of restoration into graphic for merchandise deal, and it's become popular and demanding of the people.

example of the T-shirt
No one will think of..
The worst restoration had become so popular among the worldwide.

It prove that nothing is impossible.
So be positive think that you are impossible to create something new and creative.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

The meaning of Las Meninas

Diego Velazquez, Las Meninas. 1656. 
Oil on Canvas, approx. 125.2 in × 108.7 in

This is an famous Italy painting painted by Velazquez in baroque period. It is a life size drawing. 

I' not going to talk about the technique of the painting but mysterious of the painting. Do you see the lightness part of the background is it hanging a mirror with reflection or a lightning portrait?
It's kind of catchy to our eyes because its contrast with dark background. Inside the piece of thing, it's appeared the royal couple faces who are the parents of the princess name La Infanta Margarita. She standing in the center of the foreground with maids serving.

There were 4 different views from the expert of the painting. In the first view, the royal couple stand infront of the position as the viewer. The mirror reflection of the royal couple seems like stand infront of Margarita and the group. Jose Niento who stand behind of the stair case was preparing the passage for them at the stairs, Margarita and  look like curtsy and welcome them. 

The second view of the painting is Margarita was watching her parents being painted. As we stand infront of the painting as her parents position, we see ourselves as royalty.

The third view, Stork and Furuichi is tested the arrangement of all the objects and people with computer-recreation of the painting’s space. He identified the placement of the objects, the light that could influence the reflection of the mirror. In the result, the mirror should be reflected objects in the canvas.

The forth view, Velazquez holding his brushes and looking out from the canvas and the people in the painting seems not looking straight toward the viewer. They were like looking at themselves through the mirror. In the 17 century, artists usually painted their self-portrait with a mirror that known as an artistic tradition. There were 2 way of using this method, transferred 3D object to 2D with mirror and compose image by framing subject on mirror.

In my opinion, I think that thing hanging on the which is glowing is a portrait because the painter wanted us to remember of the pair of royal couple. Usually the royal people like to have their own portrait to hang on their wall. He use the dark color to contrast with the portrait to draw our attention. Even the main character is their daughter, but they still wanna let others to remember them and show that she is their daughter. 
Do you notice that there are a lot people in the painting, all of them were servants of the princess, it show how powerful and authority of the young princess have. Even she was so young, her expression and posture already show her maturity. you will seldom see a child look like this right?

It is a fantastic painting that represent the baroque period of art. It's not just a precious painting , it's also let us to study about the history, culture, habit, fashion and story about that country of that period.  We should appreciate the artworks of all the period before the painting damaged. 

ref:Las Meninas. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2013, from Wikipedia:

Konstantinidis, G. (2012). Velazquez - Las Meninas: Interpretation. Retrieved June 30, 2013, from:

Friday, August 16, 2013

New Generation

Do you notice that the boy sleeping on the books as a pillow?

this photo reflect a strong concept of the children these day.they rather read I pad than book.
Book is considered a thing that can gain valuable knowledge for the old generation. Day by day the technology had become more advance than last time. Nowadays, every children at least had an I pad they bring it to anywhere in anytime, like shops, restaurant, travel, even in toilet they will never leave their I pad because I pad already become their best friend. They used it to play games, facebook, internet and many more. Other than school time, they rather spend their rest of the day with the I pad. It cause many of the children having short sighted at very beginning of their life. It's good that technology more advance but the parents and their children should use the ipad in the right way and the right time. The major point of creating ipad should be convenience but not harmful to the buyer. I will encourage children read books more than ipad. It is the most suitable for the children who read book for long hours.

 In Chinese idiom, it called as 'Golden House in the Book'. It means that the knowledge is so much valuable like a gold. For certain people, it may cause distraction of the games inside the I pad. Using I pad had a lot of disadvantage, we should appreciate reading books than the I pad. 


Starting line.

Study is a tough mission for all of the students. It's hardly to went through the process, especially when the assignments' dead line are coming. Students need to burn the midnight oil for load of assignments for the whole semester in 14 weeks. But we should enjoy the university life rather then
complaining on it. We will never know how hard the life after graduate from university. We will graduate with the course mate at the same line. As you know that, we will all become competitors after graduated. And these are the toughest time for all of us.

As the picture shown below:

It is a conceptual illustration.
Do you have a question of the picture in you mind?
 Why there are a group graduated students who get setting on the starting line of a running track?

you can interpretat that:
 there are group of graduated students having a friendship running..
their graduated photo style..

But in my view, it is just a starting point for the university students. All of the students will think that dead line of the assignment is the end of the life but when u get into the social life, then yes it is. Most of the fresh graduated think that, they have go through the toughest part of their life, actually it is just a starting point of our life. You need to work harder than your course mate to achieve better social status, salary and life. Because all of us working of same things, our competitive are huge. Some might not get work, some might be your boss, some might get the job that not what they want. 

We should enjoy our university life and study smart. Don't not think university life is the toughest part in your life. You may face more and more stress once you start depending on yourself without parents. Because you know that you only can depends on your owns. And this is the most challenging part and interesting part of your life. It would become the most memorable moment because you start the rest of your life with your own hands. 


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ninja Turtle's Name

Honestly, I' m not a Ninja Turtle's fans.
But I want to share about the origin of their names.
During the History of Art class, the lecturer keep on reminds us, memorize Ninja Turtle's Name until the day we die.
I' m like.."WHAAAT??"
and now I know what it is so important to all art student.

Let me introduce the Ninja Turtles...


Blue Mask Turtle (Leonardo) - the leader and the eldest in the group, uses twin ninjakin as weapon.
Red Mask Turtle (Raphael) - the 2nd eldest in the group,hot head and uses twin sais (dagger) as weapon.
Purple Mask Turtle (Donatello) - the 2nd youngest in the group, brainiac and uses a bo staff as weapon.
Orange Mask Turtle (Michelangelo) - the youngest in the group, joker and uses two nunchaku.

These are the name Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo who are the most famous and significant artist in Renaissance period.

Leonardo was an Italian Renaissance genius. He as a painter, sculptor, anatomist, geologist,  architect, musician, mathematician, cartographer, botanist, engineer, inventor and writer.

This is Mona Lisa. Leonardo's famous art work. This is how amazing when you see her eyes and her mysterious smile. When u walk around the painting, her eyes like gazing on you whenever you walk around.

Raphael was a Italian painter and architect of high renaissance. 
This is his greatest art work, "School of Athens". It is paint on fresco, and quite a large scale drawing (200in x 300in). He painted in include famous philosophers faces who are Plato and Aristotle, famous artist faces who are Leonardo, Michelangelo and himself.

Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer.
This is his famous sculpture, "Statue of David". He is depicted biblical scene of the battle with

Donatello was an early Renaissance Italian sculptor from Florence.
This is his famous sculpture "David" in bronze. He also depicted the biblical scene of the battle with Goliath as what Michelangelo depicted his sculpture. But Donatello depicted David looking and looks shy. Some expert perceive him had homo-erotic qualities.

Once again, don't forget these are the Ninja Turtles!


Functions of Light Bulb..

When we think of sight,
definitely we will think of LIGHT..

Light bulb is our main man made resources for light.
It easy to get light bulb in anywhere.
Typical incandescent bulbs can only last for 1,000 to 2,000 hours.
But what we can do for the body after it's died?
usually we will just throw into dustbin and replace a new one.  but,
do you think before what light bulb can do other than give us light?

It not just to lighten our world..

Think a way round,
It has many functions after it dead.

I would like to show some example for Light Bulb D.I.Y.
If you're interested in it, do not hesitate to try it, It might be lighten your day.

For those plant lover,
you might love this!
you can just planting on the top of the light bulb..

like this..
inside of the light bulb ..
both give a different feeling of the design..

Christmas is around the corner..
For those people who wanted to save money to buy decoration for Christmas tree..
from now on..
you can just collect the died light bulb,and do some save cost D.I.Y on it..
just need to spend some money on paint and some little decoration..that all..
you can design it whatever you like, your favorite character in Christmas or pattern..
result may come out as images above..
Interesting right?!

For the hot balloon lover..
you can design what ever pattern you want on the hot balloon!
you can gift to your precious friend as a memorable present also..
A unique and the only design from you..
How sweet is it!

This is an incredible lamp design,
either you can place it on floor or hang it on ceiling. 
get bunch of light bulb stick it surrounding of the light bulb that still can light on.

its just look like an sparking star as a result! how interesting and creative is it.

Last but not least,
Do anyone heard of Lampe Berger?
if you used that you will know what is it.
It just like the Lampe berger container.
you can fill in the essential oil in it, burn the string, and the flavor spread out all over the air.

Its worth a try, why not? :)
have a good day.


Friday, July 19, 2013


Tang Yau Hoong, a famous illustrator from Malaysia.
His illustrations are mostly conceptual, surreal and minimalist.

I'm quite admire about his brand new series of illustration that combine with famous quotes on 8th April 2013. Although his this series of artwork are with simply illustration but yet it let others more easily to understand because he mostly use symbol to form the illustration.

"Patience is the companion of wisdom" - St. Augustine

Hourglass represents patience because it's need time to fill the sand from the top to the bottom.
glasses represent wisdom usually person who loves book wear spec.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu

The swallows represents a journey of a thousand miles because swallows fly to others country that depends on season of the country.
Single step represent shoes' lace. It's a part of shoe that show that it can be take a single step or even more than thousand steps. 
 "It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela

This graphic kind of abstract + illusion. As we can see from the top is three pencils and the bottom is few triangle. when  we look at the image, we will lost the direction of looking it, it somehow like are our eyes blur? look at it for few times, you might get it. OOOOOH! actually it just the technique of the drawing make us confuse.It is somehow impossible but he show that he can do it.
 "Imagination is the beginning of creation" - George Bernard Shaw

Do you ever think of an apple tree grow on top of an apple? Naah. no right? imagination is the best way to get inspiration to create something that so called creation.

"It's not what you look at that matters it's what you see" - Henry David Thoreau

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique just line everyone else" - Margaret Mead

Everyone are the same have head,body, hands, legs and so on as a human. But everyone's characteristic, personality and face features are different. 
Zebras represent as human that with different thickness, direction and shapes (regular,bold and italic) to represents the how unique of a human can be even every zebra is looking the same.

Hope you guys can learn from some of the quote also. CHEER! :)
