Monday, August 26, 2013


An old Spanish woman who is in her 80s had ruined a religious fresco with her rough restoration without permission.

'Ecce Homo' is painted by Elias Garcia Martinez on the walls of the church of Santuario de Miserocordia in 19 century.

The painting on the left is the original work.
The painting in the center is the work being destroy.
The painting on the right is the restoration work.

So far you can see the development painting by painting from the left to right. 

Last year, the Spanish Woman Cecilia Gimenez in her 81 years old botched a restoration of the painting of Christ at her local church. The news were spreading everywhere in the internet and to the worldwide. And it's become the hottest topic at the moment. The authority think that it will decrease the rate of tourist to visit the church.

But who knows?

Now the horrible restoration had become famous and raise the rate of the tourism to visit for the local church. In addition, the ticket had increased the prices just to see the painting. I think this is the power of the internet, because that is the hottest topic once spread to the world and the people are curious and up to date.

Like Minion,
once the Mc Donald had sell the series of toys, the people can be queue for like 1 hours or even waiting the Mc Donald to be open just for a yellow plastic toys. Just because of, the facebook, people keep uploading the pictures of the toys and stated" YAY, I GOT MY MINION". And then the following post also the same things. Out of 50 friends, 10 friends got that. So these problems make the people craving for the Minion. They have the feeling like, "Oh, you all got, I must get 1 set for myself also" Is like don't want to be left behind and outdated for the hottest toys even the person don't like the toys. The horrible things is, those people bought alot happy meal sets, they just got the toys and throw the foods, WHAT A WASTE!!! some of the people collect it for selling higher price to people couldn't get in from Mc Donald.

The Happy Meal isn't happy anymore to the kids. In Singapore, they are doing good job, they do the pre-order online for the people who just want to have the toys. So the people who really want to enjoy the foods can be relieved and the the kids can be happy for the toys.

Back to the topic,
 She had turn the painting of restoration into graphic for merchandise deal, and it's become popular and demanding of the people.

example of the T-shirt
No one will think of..
The worst restoration had become so popular among the worldwide.

It prove that nothing is impossible.
So be positive think that you are impossible to create something new and creative.


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